As we enter 2008, we often reflect on the things that we've done in the past and plan to accomplish in the future.True happiness is the balance of all aspects of life working homogeneously forming a perfect circle. Did you make the traditional New Years Eve resolutions? Well, for 2008, lets set goals in each aspect of things that are attainable and measurable. What are each of these aspects of one's life? They are Financial, Spiritual, Social and Emotional balance. I'll share my goals in each of these and hopefully some of you will share yours or at the very least write them down for your own personal growth. So lets get started!!!!
Financially (Lets do the boring one first!)
Financially, this year I am paying off a vehicle ( 1 payment left, go me), my youngest daughter will be beginning entering kindergarten which means no more "daycare". With these funds my goal is to at least take the total of these two bills and contribute 20% into savings. The remainder will be used to make larger payments on credit cards and other existing debt. By the end of 2008, I should be able to increase my savings by an additional $1600 (small increments keeps it realistic). Measurable and attainable.
Although I may not wear my beliefs on my sleeve, I've always known from whom my blessings come. But as I reflect on these many blessings that I so did not deserve, how do you repay such a debt? My goal is to become more involved in my beliefs and not only passively attend but actively participate. By doing this, my girls will began to understand from where their blessing come. I don't believe that I would be doing my job as a parent if I didn't plant the seed of salvation in their heart. The world is going to teach them lessons, but I want the foundation that I lay to be the basis for their decision making.Socially
Have you ever given your time with no compensation expected? When I was in college, I volunteered every Thursday PM at the children's wing for terminally ill patients at the medical center. Their only request is that you make them comfortable and maybe if its not too much to ask, if you could play simple games with them. Can you imagine only having such a simple request at such a time in their lives. These are the experiences that make you value your life. Give your time to someone less fortunate. My mother made me do this and I'll give this same gift to my girls.
You know they say if you don't take care of yourself, you cant take care of others. I truly believe this. Every now and then you have to take time for yourself. Even if its only a 10-15 minutes a day for mediation, prayer or whatever feeds your emotional high. Sharpen your saw.....Your saw is your mind. Otherwise it gets dull and overworked. Ok, you get the picture. This is one of my goals. Measurable and attainable.
In closing, I say take a little time for reflection. My favorite poem ends by saying, "Do you get one more tomorrow by the work you did today?" I say, "Live everyday like its your last and if you're lucky to get another, do it all over again."
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