Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Martin!

So how lucky am I that my birthday usually falls right there in between Thursday and Monday of the week that we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday? Not lucky because of the holiday that we get off but lucky because its always a constant reminder of the work that he did in his lifetime in regards to work that I want to do in mine. Now I in no way have I accomplished what that man had done in his short lifetime. Come to think about it, is there anyone else that you can think of that contributions run parallel to those of his. I often ask, are will still fighting that fight? Did we forget that the freedoms that we enjoy today are not “free”? Someone else paid our way so that we may enjoy the things that we take for granted. Although the circumstances differ from what he had to fight to overcome, there is still work to be done. I often think that we are back paddling in this fight. He fought for nonuse of the N-word, yet we use this word in general conversation. By his side was a woman that he respected and held her presence as a regal gesture. Women today are seen as accessories, the more you have the better you look. Television, magazines are inundated with images of African American women showing no respect for their bodies, their families, or their history.

What is the state of the African American world today? It’s hard to really categorize everyone into one group. Because they are definitely people that are trying to stick to the grassroots that were laid by Martin and make strides to see a better future for our children but are met with many obstructions. Today the focus seems to be on money. People’s ideas are shaped and swayed by money. Magazines and television that promote these degrading ideas are driven by money and not the affects of this perception. Young people today don’t understand that it takes more than luck to be successful. How are you going to afford these materialistic things that NFL, NBA players, rappers idolize? Everyone can’t play football and basketball and rap, what are you going to fall back on? Education should be held in a higher respect and its not. You can’t compete in a room with other students in a scholarly capacity from all over the world if your focus has been on athletics. Now don’t get me wrong, this has been the way many have changed their lives and their family’s, but realistically everyone won’t make it that way.The stats say that .17% actually go on to play professionally.

We’ve lost focus somewhere along the way. We’ve forgotten what’s important. We’ve forgotten about putting our time and money in education. We’ve forgotten about Faith, We’ve forgotten about respect. If those things are the basis for our decisions, we’d be in a different realm. So with all my ramblings (and this is not even half), I say, “Happy Birthday Martin.” Let the week, be a reflection of the week that Martin would have if he was still with us, what would his actions be? Show pride and be proud of the skin you’re in, know that you deserve everything that is offered to everyone else. There is one Creator and be reminded that he does not discriminate.

Happy Birthday Martin
from, MochaMom, D'Angelo, Kyla & Katelyn

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