A forum for issues of career, fashion, makeup, marriage and motherhood.....whatever news comes to mind!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Anybody like cupcakes??
I love cupcakes, just dont have the time to make them, this might inspire me though...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Love, MochaMom
Shaun Robinson
Monday, January 28, 2008
State of the Union Address
When are taxpayers suppose to receive: ( notice my choice of words, "suppose"):
IRS could start mailing out checks by the end of June since the agency is now in the middle of the 2007 tax-filing season.
How much:
Taxpayers could get rebates of up to $800 if single, or $1,600 if married.
Who would get it:
Everyone with earned income would get the full rebate, even if they didn't make enough money to owe income tax. Otherwise, roughly 40 percent of tax filers (which is more than 50 million households) would get only a partial rebate or no rebate at all.
So with all this said, can someone please shoot me a email should you receive one of these.
Are you a Queen?

Black Hollywood at SAG Awards 2008!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Ciao Bellas

Hello, so another weekend bites the dust. Busy, Busy as usual. First of all the weather was crazy. Listen to this, 30 degrees and rainy on Friday, 70 degrees and sunny on Sat. and Sunday. Is that not crazy, only in Texas. So we had to take the kiddos out shopping for new shoes, clothes and what nots. While we were out we decided to stop by IKEA. After checking the kids into the Children's play land area, low and behold who we do we see with her kids, Marion Jones. I couldn't believe it, we didn't freak, just politely gave her a gaze and continued on about our business. If you remember in a earlier post, I stated that although she committed a crime, I feel so bad about her having to pay for it with a prison sentence.
So the discussion me and hubby had was, would it have been right for us to ask for an autograph in the midst of her legal trouble. His take on the issue was that she would have felt that fans were still behind her despite her admitted mistake. My take on the issue was, that I wanted to give her space and let her enjoy her time that she has with her kids before she has to spend 6 months in a federal jail. I didn't think it would be right for us to impose as she was spending her time with the people she enjoys the most.
So all in all we had a fabulous time, and a fabulous dinner. The time we spent with the kids was great so I thought we should extend the same courtesy to Marion and let her enjoy her time as we enjoyed ours.
Ciao ladies.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Young Life Lost!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Race or Gender?
A Flawless Face!!!!!

Love this look, simply beautiful. Have you ever had your makeup done professionally? Try it sometimes, MAC, Bobbie Brown have some lovely colors for us mocha toned sisters as well as all shades. I know I have issues with finding a matching foundation that doesnt look like a mask. I tend to favor, MAC Studio fix, NW 45. So go all out and have your makeup done, and add some lashes as well. Fabulous ladies.
Ciao Ladies
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Ya'll Ready to be Upgraded???
If you haven't seen the "Beyonce Experience" performance, you've missed out. That show was off the chain. I cant even hate, she did her thing on that entire performance.
She performed for two hours straight, dancing, singing and holding the microphone. No lipsyching at all.
Baddest chick in the game right now!!!
Simply Fab,
My New Fragrance

Bath and Body Works
I am loving this scent right now.
Chocolate Amber
Honeyed chocolate and rare vanilla orchid embraced by golden amber. Daring. Romantic. Unforgettable. (Fragrance top notes: Pineapple, Red Berries, Lemon; mid notes: Honey Blossom, Rose, Jasmine; base notes: Dark Chocolate, Honey Wood, Patchouli, Vanilla Orchid, Musk
Just yummy!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Natasha Bedingfield
Love Like this feat. Sean Kingston
Take care,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Martin!
So how lucky am I that my birthday usually falls right there in between Thursday and Monday of the week that we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday? Not lucky because of the holiday that we get off but lucky because its always a constant reminder of the work that he did in his lifetime in regards to work that I want to do in mine. Now I in no way have I accomplished what that man had done in his short lifetime. Come to think about it, is there anyone else that you can think of that contributions run parallel to those of his. I often ask, are will still fighting that fight? Did we forget that the freedoms that we enjoy today are not “free”? Someone else paid our way so that we may enjoy the things that we take for granted. Although the circumstances differ from what he had to fight to overcome, there is still work to be done. I often think that we are back paddling in this fight. He fought for nonuse of the N-word, yet we use this word in general conversation. By his side was a woman that he respected and held her presence as a regal gesture. Women today are seen as accessories, the more you have the better you look. Television, magazines are inundated with images of African American women showing no respect for their bodies, their families, or their history.
What is the state of the African American world today? It’s hard to really categorize everyone into one group. Because they are definitely people that are trying to stick to the grassroots that were laid by Martin and make strides to see a better future for our children but are met with many obstructions. Today the focus seems to be on money. People’s ideas are shaped and swayed by money. Magazines and television that promote these degrading ideas are driven by money and not the affects of this perception. Young people today don’t understand that it takes more than luck to be successful. How are you going to afford these materialistic things that NFL, NBA players, rappers idolize? Everyone can’t play football and basketball and rap, what are you going to fall back on? Education should be held in a higher respect and its not. You can’t compete in a room with other students in a scholarly capacity from all over the world if your focus has been on athletics. Now don’t get me wrong, this has been the way many have changed their lives and their family’s, but realistically everyone won’t make it that way.The stats say that .17% actually go on to play professionally.
We’ve lost focus somewhere along the way. We’ve forgotten what’s important. We’ve forgotten about putting our time and money in education. We’ve forgotten about Faith, We’ve forgotten about respect. If those things are the basis for our decisions, we’d be in a different realm. So with all my ramblings (and this is not even half), I say, “Happy Birthday Martin.” Let the week, be a reflection of the week that Martin would have if he was still with us, what would his actions be? Show pride and be proud of the skin you’re in, know that you deserve everything that is offered to everyone else. There is one Creator and be reminded that he does not discriminate.
Happy Birthday Martin
from, MochaMom, D'Angelo, Kyla & Katelyn
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Perfect LBD!
Fashion Rocks!!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Cute Styling!
Elegantly Fabulous
Friday, January 11, 2008
Eddie and Tracey Murphy
Marion Jones Sentenced to 6 months
What say you?
Free Online Personal Finance Courses
Here they are:
Sweat the Small Stuff: Plan and Budget for Your Future Goals
Get a Grip on Your Family's Finances
I think I have the most issues with budgeting, so that's probably the one I'm going to take. Hey what do you have to lose, they're free.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Life is a Marathon, Not a Sprint!!

As we enter 2008, we often reflect on the things that we've done in the past and plan to accomplish in the future.True happiness is the balance of all aspects of life working homogeneously forming a perfect circle. Did you make the traditional New Years Eve resolutions? Well, for 2008, lets set goals in each aspect of things that are attainable and measurable. What are each of these aspects of one's life? They are Financial, Spiritual, Social and Emotional balance. I'll share my goals in each of these and hopefully some of you will share yours or at the very least write them down for your own personal growth. So lets get started!!!!
Financially (Lets do the boring one first!)
Financially, this year I am paying off a vehicle ( 1 payment left, go me), my youngest daughter will be beginning entering kindergarten which means no more "daycare". With these funds my goal is to at least take the total of these two bills and contribute 20% into savings. The remainder will be used to make larger payments on credit cards and other existing debt. By the end of 2008, I should be able to increase my savings by an additional $1600 (small increments keeps it realistic). Measurable and attainable.
Have you ever given your time with no compensation expected? When I was in college, I volunteered every Thursday PM at the children's wing for terminally ill patients at the medical center. Their only request is that you make them comfortable and maybe if its not too much to ask, if you could play simple games with them. Can you imagine only having such a simple request at such a time in their lives. These are the experiences that make you value your life. Give your time to someone less fortunate. My mother made me do this and I'll give this same gift to my girls.
You know they say if you don't take care of yourself, you cant take care of others. I truly believe this. Every now and then you have to take time for yourself. Even if its only a 10-15 minutes a day for mediation, prayer or whatever feeds your emotional high. Sharpen your saw.....Your saw is your mind. Otherwise it gets dull and overworked. Ok, you get the picture. This is one of my goals. Measurable and attainable.
In closing, I say take a little time for reflection. My favorite poem ends by saying, "Do you get one more tomorrow by the work you did today?" I say, "Live everyday like its your last and if you're lucky to get another, do it all over again."
Natural Texture???

Have you ever wondered what your natural texture would look like if you were to stop relaxing? They say that maintenance of natural hair is harder than relaxed hair because it takes more to replenish the moisture than relaxed hair. I know us gals love our relaxer but have you ever thought about reverting to your natural texture? Don't think I will be doing at this time but maybe one day. What say you. I would want mine just like these chicas, big and poufy. (fyi, relaxed ladies, these styles can be accomplished using flexi-rods) Beautiful!!!
Truly Fabulous,
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Can you believe this?

I cant.
I know there are people that may be plagued with issues that causes one to act and react in crazy ways. What in someones natural mind would make them do such a thing ? Why are the children the people to suffer when the parents probably shouldn't have been parents in the first place ? Why do they wait until that have kids and loose their minds? Was this potential to hurt another human being always there or did it manifest once they had kids? This for the world of me, is inhumane. So what do you do with someone who has committed such an act? In my opinion, there really is not punishment suitable for such an act. When you think of the families that are trying to have children but cant, the possibilities of a difference those children may have made in the world, what could possibly be a suitable punishment? Hmm.... I cant think of one. So with the closing of this post, I say pray for 5 souls in this story. Those 4 childrens' souls that will be in Heaven and the other one, that will be in the opposite location.
Ciao Ladies
As usual, stay as fab as you can be,
Anthem of your life for 2008
Beauty Event Coming to a city near you.!

BONUS: Behind the Scene Session for Professional Stylists
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Fashion Baby!!

Now, you guys know I like to mix up high fashion with cheap cute tops just to pull off a great look. My thing has been to spend the most money on classic and a great fit in pants. I like to pair expensive pants with trendy tops. That way, the shirt may go out of style, at least it didn’t cost a lot and you can still have a great pair of pants to pair with other trendy tops. My favorite pants by far are Banana Republic. They are always the right length and fit in the right spots, plus the fabrics are usually top quality. Pair that with a great bag, cute shoes and you’re off to being a fab chic.
During the course of this blog, you will notice that I tend to favor black and earth tones for clothing and makeup. I know there are a lot of mocha girls out there that go for bright colors and they look great on them. I just prefer to stick with what I like. But we'll have a variety of things both neutral and bright colors. But just remember, I love my black.
More to come.
As usual,
Stay fab
Monday, January 7, 2008
It seems everyday, discovery of the bodies are the results of missing persons reports.
MochaMom's Hair regimen
If you read 91 Things about me, you know that I love hair products. The line that seems to work best for me is Design Essentials. I have tried many lines from Phytospecific, Affirm, Mizani, Elasta, the one that seems to take care of my hair care needs is DE. I have my hair relaxed with DE Relaxer no less than 6 weeks (keeps hair healthy by not over processing already relaxed hair). I wash my hair weekly at home and here are my steps:
Prepoo with Coconut oil over night
Wash with Neutrogena Anti residue shampoo (twice a month as this is a clarifying shampoo)
Wash of Creme of Nature Detangling Shampoo
Wash of Design Essentials Moisture retention shampoo
Condition with Design Essentials Express
Condition with Herbal Essence Dangerously Straight Conditioner
Detangle with Design Essentials HCO leave in, Cantu Breakage treatment
Mold with Jane Carter Wrap and Roll mixed with HCO
Sit under hooded dryer
Add a small amount of Cantu Breakage treatment to hair and Design Essentials treatment to scalp
Flat iron with Chi
Finish with a spray of Design Essentials Spritz Formations
I have recently dyed my hair black using Bigen (Oriental Black), dont think I'll be doing that again. It's causing quite a bit of dryness, so I have to step up the moisture game, hence all the use of product above. Remember this works for me, may not necessarily be great for someone else. But get a regimen that you can stick to, and you will see a major difference in your hair. More about this later.
Mocha Mom
Children Growing up in this generation

Has this ever Happened???
I don't think I've ever seen this in my lifetime. What is the world coming to?
Stay Fab
Mocha Mom
91 Things About Me
My name is Sonya
I am 33; Although my birthday is right around the corner
Its January 17th
I’m a Capricorn
I was raised in Jackson, Ms, although I was born in LA.
I have two daughters
Their names are Kyla and Katelyn
Kyla is 10 (They grow up so fast, take lots of pictures)
Katelyn is 4
I am married
I went to Jackson State University although I didn’t do my best work there, (wasn’t working toward a goal)
I finished my Bachelor degree at a online college
I live in Austin, Texas
I am a state employee
My little sister, is growing up, she’s 17 now , this is her last year in high school (wow)
She lives in MS, I wish she could have moved here with me
We lost our mother when she was 6, my brother a senior in high school and I not quite ready to let her go
I have a brother as well
He is extremely smart although definitely has been affected by number 19 of this list
We lost our great grandfather in the same accident
That event changed the course of my life as well as my sister and brother
My hubby is a sweetheart, why he puts up with me, I will never know.
I love to read
I am very quiet, always have been but well read
I have two best friends
They live in Jackson, MS
I miss them terribly
Their names are Shan and Candace
I met Shan in the 3rd grade
I met Candace while working at JC Penny’s during my college days
This is my first time writing a blog of my own
I love to read blogs, I do it everyday
That’s what inspired me to create my own
I wanted a platform to express my views, feeling and concerns
An online journal would be cool
I have started to write them in a fancy journal pad but neglected it and let other things take me away from writing the events of my life down
It would be cool for my daughters to have something to read that’s personal because sometimes with the business of life I do not get to discuss things that I really think I should with them.
I love the technical things
Not sure what the theme or format of this blog will be yet, I’m just going to write what events and circumstances crosses my mind on any given day.
I plan to have be happier in 2008 and many years to come
This is hard, I am not one to really talk about myself so this is hard for me
I know there are some things I need to work on
Patience is at the top of the list
Did I mention this was hard (oh yeah, I did)
I love beauty and hair products
I do not cook even though I love collecting recipes
I love a good book but I cant pass the hair product section of a store without browsing
I became really ill after giving birth to Katelyn
I developed a blood clot in my lungs
I was lucky to have gotten to the emergency room in time
I do not have a MySpace page, although it seems everyone else does ( Or does anyone over 30 have these things?)
I am working on not worrying about every little thing so much (Blood pressure is forcing me to ignore some things and move on)
I think this may be fun once I get the hang of blogging
Or maybe not
Sometimes I am indecisive, that’s another thing I have to work on
I have a Bachelors degree in Business Administration but still not sure what direction in my career I would like to go
I think I would do well in Human Resources, ( I am a people person)
Some things really make me upset
Seeing young people with no direction and not realizing their potential and all that life has to offer
Young people not realizing that there are other stations on the television other than BET.
That really irks me
I know I am blessed
I know I could show it more
I don’t think I do as much as I could to repay my blessings
I am really passionate about helping children who may be forgotten in society
This includes children of incarcerated mothers
I think this world future may be in trouble they way things are going now
I know I should be doing more in my career; but have become complacent in my current position
I am going to work on that in 08
I really want to get my MBA
I admire Oprah, but don’t take her word as “the word”, as others do
I wonder who will be on the election ballet, Clinton or Obama or both
That would be so cool
I know I need to pray more
I want my girls to be assertive and well spoken
I am working on teaching them gratitude and humbleness
I work with people that are totally different than I grew up around
Sometimes I am ashamed of my southern accent
I really want to take a trip to Jamaica
Hubby and I working on that for 2008
My family on my mothers side is kind of messed up
I miss my mother and think about her frequently
Her father just passed away in November 2007
I am writing this when I should be doing laundry, but it’s a holiday and I have tomorrow off, so we'll do that then
I love the time before 10:00 am, if I do anything in the a.m., I like to do it before 10:00 am. Don’t know why, I ‘m weird that way I guess
People think I am funny
I was really quiet in high school, people took that as “stuck up”
I get aggravated easily
I love to be alone sometimes
I like it quiet in my house, although I have a 4 and 10 year old, doesn’t happen often
Thats all for now, many post to come. Hopefully.
Stay Fab