Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sitcoms or Reality?????

What shows are you watching? I have to admit I am a reality show queen. I am just drawn to reality. Believe it not, even my husband says I dont watch regular tv anymore. Lets go through the week:

Monday-The Hills ( Believe it not, I like the spoiled rich girls kids, they're world is filled with unrealistic issues) Gotta love Lauren, Heidi, Spencer ( cant stand Spencer really)

Tuesday- The Real Housewives of NYC ( I love NYC, and what better way to see it than through the eyes of spoiled, rich social butterflies)

Deion and Pilar ( I did not know that Deion "Prime Time" Sanders was so funny )love peaking in his life, and his wife and kids are beautiful.

Wedesday-Real World baby, gotta love the Real World, where do they find these people? Hilarious

Thursday- Do I have one for Thursday, nope come to think of it I dont.

Friday-Nope, none

Saturday-Usually watching all the shows, I've recorded throughout the week or watching rented movies.

Sunday-Keeping up with the Kardashians- The family is crazy. I never knew who they were for the longest time until Kim started popping up everywhere. Who knew her dad was the lawyer that went against OJ Simpson in his high profile case.

FabLane-Love, Love, Kimora Lee Simmons, that girl is crazy but oh so stylish. Love her style.

Let me know, what are you watching.......

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