Saturday, April 12, 2008

2nd thing I want to write about

Ok, so the 2nd thing I wanted to write about, is........I got the job I applied for. I am not going to harp and spend too much time on this one but I wanted to mention it, because a year or two from now I want to come back and look at this post and be able to post the good and the bad about it. So yes, I got the lets see if I can do the work.
First of all, the position is in the Information Resources division and after our first staff meeting, the things that they do goes way over my little head. I consider myself a pretty techie person, I keep up with the latest gidgets and gadgets and certainly know my way around a computer but the behind the scenes stuff is a different animal. So that's going to be a challenge, but after the first budget meeting a felt a lot better. Numbers and spreadsheets, I know. I am more comfortable around those things so we'll see. Will this be my dream job, don't know, but I do know that its going to open up opportunities that I did not have access to in the past.

So wish me luck,


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