I am not: to be disturbed when I get a great idea, that I must write about at that particular time
I hear: The way my mother used to say my name.
I regret: Not finishing college the first time around. Did it though.
I care: About the people my daughters will become
I always: will be the same no matter what’s going on in my life, my personality remains the same.
I long to: be content with my life’s decisions.
I feel alone: when I get the notion to want to hang out or have dinner and movie with girlfriends.
I hide: my feelings, concerns and disapointments when things are not going well in my personal life.
I drive: the speed limit most of the time.
I sing: most of the time when I drive with the music blasting.
I dance: hardly anymore although it used to be one of my favorite things to do.
I write: to relieve my mind.
I breathe: By the grace of God.
I play: with the idea of being wiser when I am older
I miss: having friends in the same state.
I search: for meaningful relationships.
I say: Not enough, I think a lot but say little.
I feel: that I have not realized my true calling.
I succeed: by recognizing my flaws.
I fail(ed): at doing a better job at being the sister that I feel my sister and brother needed when we lost our mother.
I dream: of getting my Masters, making memories with friends and family and having a job I would do for free.
I sleep: with my hair wrapped, what fabulous chic doesnt?
I wonder: what the world will be like when my girls are adults.
I want: black women to recognize their worth.
I worry: about losing loved ones.
I have: ISSUES.
I give: no attention to pettiness.
I fight: with my inner voice about decisions.
I am: a masterpiece of perfect imperfection.
I can’t: do any car repairs or put furniture together, I could go on forever.
I stay: in Austin, TX.
I can: be impatient at times, maybe a lot of times.
I would: really like a two-week beach vacation with the family.
I might: pass out if I have listen to these non talent rappers and singers getting paid for not making any kind of sense any longer.
I love: GOOD music, reading, reality shows
I smile: After learning a lesson from life’s book of reality.
I frown: when the alarm clock goes off.
I read: a lot of blogs.
I work: at a state agency in Texas that regulates gaming and Bingo.
I will: strive to do my best even during the midst of adversity.
A forum for issues of career, fashion, makeup, marriage and motherhood.....whatever news comes to mind!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Psst... Hey
I got the greatest idea today. Not going to post it yet because I really want to get more details and confirmation that this is the right thing to do. I'll let you know what it is once I have more info to share. If all goes well, I think it could be a great thing.
Man, there are some sick people in this world
Man, keeps daughter in the basement for 24 years, fathering 7 children by her ranging from ages, 5-19. Now if this is not sick, I don't know what is.....
Man, keeps daughter in the basement for 24 years, fathering 7 children by her ranging from ages, 5-19. Now if this is not sick, I don't know what is.....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Didnt anyone tell me that "The Game" has moved to Sunday night. I have been missing my show for weeks thinking it was off the air. Dang, now have to watch about 6 episodes on line now.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sitcoms or Reality?????
What shows are you watching? I have to admit I am a reality show queen. I am just drawn to reality. Believe it not, even my husband says I dont watch regular tv anymore. Lets go through the week:
Monday-The Hills ( Believe it not, I like the spoiled rich girls kids, they're world is filled with unrealistic issues) Gotta love Lauren, Heidi, Spencer ( cant stand Spencer really)
Tuesday- The Real Housewives of NYC ( I love NYC, and what better way to see it than through the eyes of spoiled, rich social butterflies)
Deion and Pilar ( I did not know that Deion "Prime Time" Sanders was so funny )love peaking in his life, and his wife and kids are beautiful.
Wedesday-Real World baby, gotta love the Real World, where do they find these people? Hilarious
Thursday- Do I have one for Thursday, nope come to think of it I dont.
Friday-Nope, none
Saturday-Usually watching all the shows, I've recorded throughout the week or watching rented movies.
Sunday-Keeping up with the Kardashians- The family is crazy. I never knew who they were for the longest time until Kim started popping up everywhere. Who knew her dad was the lawyer that went against OJ Simpson in his high profile case.
FabLane-Love, Love, Kimora Lee Simmons, that girl is crazy but oh so stylish. Love her style.
Let me know, what are you watching.......
Monday-The Hills ( Believe it not, I like the spoiled rich girls kids, they're world is filled with unrealistic issues) Gotta love Lauren, Heidi, Spencer ( cant stand Spencer really)
Tuesday- The Real Housewives of NYC ( I love NYC, and what better way to see it than through the eyes of spoiled, rich social butterflies)
Deion and Pilar ( I did not know that Deion "Prime Time" Sanders was so funny )love peaking in his life, and his wife and kids are beautiful.
Wedesday-Real World baby, gotta love the Real World, where do they find these people? Hilarious
Thursday- Do I have one for Thursday, nope come to think of it I dont.
Friday-Nope, none
Saturday-Usually watching all the shows, I've recorded throughout the week or watching rented movies.
Sunday-Keeping up with the Kardashians- The family is crazy. I never knew who they were for the longest time until Kim started popping up everywhere. Who knew her dad was the lawyer that went against OJ Simpson in his high profile case.
FabLane-Love, Love, Kimora Lee Simmons, that girl is crazy but oh so stylish. Love her style.
Let me know, what are you watching.......
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Does the Way I Wear My Hair Determine My Integrity!!!
Despite my love of hair, I do believe that one's hair does not determine a person's intellegience or character. Or maybe it does a little bit, we as African Americans are often misunderstood, judged and often criticized for the way we wear our hair. And often times by our own race. We've all met the person that believes that the African American woman that relaxes her hair is not being true to her natural self. I have to say, that I am one that embraces all hair textures, colors and styles. As long as you like it, I love it, hey do you. That's what makes us truly unique, plus we have some of the flyest hair styles out there.
What are you rocking???
Just random thoughts,
What are you rocking???
Just random thoughts,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
3rd thing I want to write about
So the third thing I want to write about tonight (or shall I say this morning, its 12:30 am yall) is something that's going on in the world called, the Present moment. Have you guys been following Oprah's book club pick this month, its called A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Oprah is doing this big thing where they hold classes every Monday with the author whereby they discuss the book and questions are answered. Now I must admit, I do not have the book nor am I participating in the classes. I plan to read the book, its on my list. Let me give you some background on the subject of this book,
In A New Earth, Tolle expands on these powerful ideas to show how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence.
What does the mean? That was my reaction to the book when I first heard about it and just didn't want to buy into the hype of making someone else rich just because Oprah supported them. This week,I've been listening to a lot of talk radio, its only so much "crank that" you can listen to. So with this said, on XM's Oprah and friends they have been giving accounts and experiences from people around the world who are reading the book and I was just blown away.
Then today, after watching recorded episodes of Oprah, the entire show was dedicated to the book. I was quite delighted by the stories and the reaction to these ideas.
My interpretation was, if you spend every waking moment living in the "present moment", your consciousness truly enjoys every experience whether good or bad. In doing this you determine your priorities and priorities equate to life purpose.
Everyone is always looking for their purpose, what is it that I am suppose to be doing in this lifetime. Am I doing it and don't know it? Many Many questions, but living in the now is the power of simply "being". These answers will come but your mind has to be free come chaos and clutter. You have to truly enjoy whats going on at that moment. I did this at dinner tonight, was truly "present" in the conversation with my daughters. And the one thing that really stuck out in my mind as my 4 year old was talking was, "man I don't ever want to forget that face". My attention was truly focused on them and it seemed like I could really hear every laugh, every emotion. My mind didn't race to what I have to do tomorrow, the bills that are due, the work I have to complete on Monday, but "man I don't ever want to forget that face". That was my "Aha" moment.
Living in the present,
In A New Earth, Tolle expands on these powerful ideas to show how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence.
What does the mean? That was my reaction to the book when I first heard about it and just didn't want to buy into the hype of making someone else rich just because Oprah supported them. This week,I've been listening to a lot of talk radio, its only so much "crank that" you can listen to. So with this said, on XM's Oprah and friends they have been giving accounts and experiences from people around the world who are reading the book and I was just blown away.
Then today, after watching recorded episodes of Oprah, the entire show was dedicated to the book. I was quite delighted by the stories and the reaction to these ideas.
My interpretation was, if you spend every waking moment living in the "present moment", your consciousness truly enjoys every experience whether good or bad. In doing this you determine your priorities and priorities equate to life purpose.
Everyone is always looking for their purpose, what is it that I am suppose to be doing in this lifetime. Am I doing it and don't know it? Many Many questions, but living in the now is the power of simply "being". These answers will come but your mind has to be free come chaos and clutter. You have to truly enjoy whats going on at that moment. I did this at dinner tonight, was truly "present" in the conversation with my daughters. And the one thing that really stuck out in my mind as my 4 year old was talking was, "man I don't ever want to forget that face". My attention was truly focused on them and it seemed like I could really hear every laugh, every emotion. My mind didn't race to what I have to do tomorrow, the bills that are due, the work I have to complete on Monday, but "man I don't ever want to forget that face". That was my "Aha" moment.
Living in the present,
2nd thing I want to write about
Ok, so the 2nd thing I wanted to write about, is........I got the job I applied for. I am not going to harp and spend too much time on this one but I wanted to mention it, because a year or two from now I want to come back and look at this post and be able to post the good and the bad about it. So yes, I got the job....now lets see if I can do the work.
First of all, the position is in the Information Resources division and after our first staff meeting, the things that they do goes way over my little head. I consider myself a pretty techie person, I keep up with the latest gidgets and gadgets and certainly know my way around a computer but the behind the scenes stuff is a different animal. So that's going to be a challenge, but after the first budget meeting a felt a lot better. Numbers and spreadsheets, I know. I am more comfortable around those things so we'll see. Will this be my dream job, don't know, but I do know that its going to open up opportunities that I did not have access to in the past.
So wish me luck,
First of all, the position is in the Information Resources division and after our first staff meeting, the things that they do goes way over my little head. I consider myself a pretty techie person, I keep up with the latest gidgets and gadgets and certainly know my way around a computer but the behind the scenes stuff is a different animal. So that's going to be a challenge, but after the first budget meeting a felt a lot better. Numbers and spreadsheets, I know. I am more comfortable around those things so we'll see. Will this be my dream job, don't know, but I do know that its going to open up opportunities that I did not have access to in the past.
So wish me luck,
Friday, April 11, 2008
My Week in Review

I know its been a while and I plan to get around to writing most of what happened in my life this week but I want to start with a movie that I just finished that I thought was one that is one of the best movies. This movie is Rendition, staring Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon. Jake stars as a analyst that is suddenly thrown into a situation where he must determine if someone the CIA believes has terrorists ties, truly has these ties. Reese plays the wife of the Egyptian man that the CIA believes has these ties, and she is persistent in proving that he does not. The story unfolds really to tell a number of short stories and all the little stories really connect to one big picture. Sort of like in real life, we've all heard of "two degrees of separation". We're really all connected in some way whether we realize it or not. My favorite thing about the movie is the raw emotion from all the characters and its look at how terrorists really believe that what they are doing is for the betterment of the world. In order to understand we must learn perspectives, we're fighting a war from two different angles and none of the parties involved are ready to stop and look at the other perspective in order to make changes. The way I see it, the beliefs and views of the two are so immensely different that it would take years and years to come to some kind of agreement. Terrorists who truly believe in Jihad have such radical views and beliefs it really hard if not impossible to ever see the their views and ours coexisting. So whats the solution, I surely don't know and after all these years neither does our Commander and Chief. More on this later....
Thursday, April 3, 2008
An Unprecedented Pregnancy

Now, I know we are living in some strange times. We hear strange things happening on a daily basis. We're living in a day and age where a woman and a African American man could possible be our Chief of Staff. But a man giving birth to a baby is unreal. After reading the stories, it kinda of makes sense biologically. Because, Thomas was born a biological woman but is legally and physically in some ways a man. Although, Thomas removed his breasts, he chose to keep his female productive organs. Wow, just wow. Can you imagine, a man giving birth? That's just weird. What do you think the challenges will be for this child after its born and hopefully the baby comes out normal. There will be many obstacles to face, in this child's life. I just hope that its parents are ready to defend their decision to bring a child in this world, under such abnormal circumstances.
Clutching the pearls,
Star News!!!
Lets see there are some interesting stories going on with our stars of 2008. Lets see:
Crazy, law excluded Naomi was arrested at the airport for "allegedly" spitting at a police officer.
Crazy, law excluded Naomi was arrested at the airport for "allegedly" spitting at a police officer.
And in other news, Beyonce and Jay Z have officially applied for a wedding license. I for one love them as a couple, the Prince of Rap and the Princess of R & B. I say its about time.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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