Hey Hey, (me waving), thought I'd sneak in a little quick update post. I am busy busy busy. My schedule is crazy, I mentioned in an earlier post that I was chairing our fundraiser committee for our Black History program at work. That's a lot of work. our first event almost went off without a hitch, keep in mind it was a Frito Pie luncheon. The hitch was......we ran out of chili in the middle of the event. So adjustments had to be made, we had to get more chili.. you know....
yada yada. But anyway, All in all our profit was great.
Now we're gearing up for our second event.... Valentines Day telegrams. Our plan is to deliver the balloon telegrams throughout the building as a fun gifts that staff have purchased for each other. We've done this before and it was really fun. Hence, we're doing it again, hey if its not broke don't try to fix it. So we'll see how this whole event turns out, I"ll post photos.
Oh yeah, I am doing all this in addition to my regular paid work duties.
SchoolSchool is not going to bad thus far, I have one class I love and one I hate. Lets see, the first team assignment, had this one lady that man, she would say, "
ok, I'm working on my part, I"ll email to everyone shortly". But 2 days would pass, no word. I had already told team mate B, lets have backup plan. First of all team mate B submitted his part, it was incorrect, he just misunderstood the assignment but its a good thing I looked at it because that would have been a bad grade regardless. So anyway, never heard from team mate A until the last day, finally. So to make a long story short, we missed two questions on the assignments, from those two team mates. All mine were correct, yeah yeah ( me doing the running man).Anyway, I'm sure my time is coming to be the
hindrance of the group. Just thought I'd gloat early..