Thursday, June 26, 2008

BET finally airs a show worth watching

I don't know what this is but the forum is panel of rappers, a professor and a two women that are speaking on the affects and influences of rap music on society in particularly our children.

Ok, got the name:

Hip Hop versus America.

And believe it or not it is an engaging conversation. I particularly like the females point when she says that she could be video director right not. Because they're all cliche. Get some well endowed African American women, rent a car, rent a house, get some jewelry and there you have it. All the videos that are airing from the last 5 years until today. I so agree, that most the songs we lean and rock to now, make no sense at all if you stop and think about the lyrics. What are they talking about, is there even a subject, verb in the entire song. And the videos are a whole other conversation. They don't relate, most are degrading and just tacky.

This is the generation of music that our children have to listen to, to be inspired by, to be entertained by. Its takes no talent at all, just a catching hook and good marketing person to put that garbage out there.

One of the subjects: Boys that have no concept of what it means to be a man. Having a set of balls does not make you a man, it makes you male.

What role models do they aspire to be, you have grown men wearing jerseys as suits, that doesnt have common manners. What are we expecting from our young men. They're lost.

What say you??

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