Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Battle Worth Fighting

Are you a fan of Good Morning America (GMA for short)? Its not often that I get a chance to actually watch the show but I will never forget the episode when Robin Roberts admitted that she had been diagnosed with Cancer. She was away going through treatment and returned in good spirits but also obviously donning a wig. I thought she looked great but this video has changed my mind. She looks more beautiful without the wig. Her features are so profoundly beautiful, my thoughts were, she should have worn this look from the beginning. All vanity issues aside, can you imagine the conversation with producers that took place in order for her to go on the air not wearing her wig? I commend her for taking a stand in a industry where looks are the epitome of your career. Her stance is profound, and I am glad that she choose this route. Gotta Love Robin Roberts......


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