Do you believe in angels, do you believe in your heart that someone you loved is really looking out for you and your well being? They cant protect from all bad, but they wont let harm really hurt you. Just enough of disappointment, sadness, scaredness so that you wont forget them, but they all ways pull you through. Life is truly like a roller coaster, its up and down swinging you around and around. We all go through the good and bad, but its truly a fact that what doesn't break you makes you stronger, or is it you either bend or you break? One or the other, I like them both so I'ma go with both. Annyyy way, back to my thoughts, the last few months have been mentally trying times for me. My sister graduated from high school, in May. Bittersweet time, because in the back of my mind, I am always thinking "If only my mother could be here". I know she was there, smiling as I was, but every occasion I always think about how much I miss her reaction to things. Her reaction to happy times, to sad times, to times of confusion,her words of wisdom, encouragement, disappointment (it cant always be good), and most of all her laugh. We would laugh so much, like old friends although she could switch back to mother in a hot minute. Miss those times. Life is too short, cherish your time, learn from your experiences, forgive and keep it moving.
Its funny how things work out. I met my husband a few months before my mother passed away. From that moment,I can truly say that I believe that he was sent to be a presence for me because I would need someone to lean on in the upcoming months. I truly believe that... So I know there are angels and they come in many forms. Be conscious of the people in your circle, I always say, people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Its funny how things work out. I met my husband a few months before my mother passed away. From that moment,I can truly say that I believe that he was sent to be a presence for me because I would need someone to lean on in the upcoming months. I truly believe that... So I know there are angels and they come in many forms. Be conscious of the people in your circle, I always say, people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
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