During my recovery this weekend, I got a little bored, so what did I do.......hair. I decided to play around with the little ones hair and put in the Just For Me Texture Softener in her hair.

See this product uses the oil of Sunflowers to gently loosen the curl pattern of the hair. It worked great on my daughters hair and is a great alternative to permanent relaxers.
The first photo is a picture of the hair that I have to tame on a weekly basis before the JFM Texture Softener.


Notice the curls are still there, just more defined and not straight like with a relaxer.
Great product indeed..
Hi there just randomly stopping by..
by the way, your daughter's hair results are really nice.
Her hair before is similar to mine, so I was wondering how long did you leave the softener on her hair for?
Once again, really nice results.
Message back
Hi Anonymous, thanks for viewing. I only left the softener on for 5-10 at the most. Since it was the first time I had used it, I was unsure of the result (more like nervous). But its worked great for me, I havent reapplied it but I think I am in the next few weeks.
Hi it's anonymous again
But thank you for telling me how long you left the softener on for..
and I hope to use this product soon.
Glad it works for you
BTW your other posts are really good.
Thanks again
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