Wednesday, September 3, 2008

RNC convention

Are you guys going to be watching tonight? With all the speculation and media surrounding Sarah Palin and her family, whats really the issue? Tonight we will watch her deliver a well written, rehearsed speech. I believe she'll smooth things over, and wow the audience but lets think about some real issues here. Sarah Palin's experience is 2 years as Gov. of Alaska. Does Alaska has the issues such as states of New York, California, or Texas. Whats the population of Alaska? It doesn't compare. Sarah Palin apparently just obtained a passport last year. Last year, how are you going to negotiate Foreign policies if you don't have the experience to do so? She doesn't have the experience. What were McCains qualifications for choosing her as his potential VP? Because again, this election causes of to scrutinize the VP pick because of McCains age. In the past, VP, has not played a vital role in our voting decision. But if McCain is elected president and because of his age and medical history the VP would have to be ready to step into the role as president. Are we relying on Sarah Palin to be able to do this? History shows us that 1 out of VP's becuase President. Someone that only has a small amount of experience, only recently obtained a passport, someone willing to marry her 17 year old daughter to someone because she's pregnant? That speaks to her judgment, why would you put a band aid on the fact that her family is not living by her practices, which are abstinence before marriage. And why would even subject your daughter to such scrutiny knowing the situation, why not decline the invitation for your daughters sake? She's already going through enough but do it before a nation?

I think this whole thing was a stunt, by picking a female VP he was trying to be clever but it backfired on him. Becuase I dont think she's the right female for the job. There were plenty of other women who were more qualified. I would have like to seen the other candidates that were passed over, making her the pick.

Just my thoughts.


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