Have you ever heard the comparison between an Eagle and Pigeon?
I know where am I going with this post? But have you ever heard the comparison between an Eagle and a Pigeon? When setting expectations for your self how do you set them? Let me tell you the comparison between the Eagle and the Pigeon. The Eagle knows that they are at the top of the food chain. When the Eagle has babies, they build their nests with thorns, sticks; twigs (the hardest, most uncomfortable elements that can be found) and they build this nest high. Why, Why you might ask? When Eagles are born, their parents instill in them that are to fly above all other birds. They are the highest-flying birds in their species. They build this nest high because when they fall; they want their young to have that natural instinct, to fly high where they belong. They build their nest with the most uncomfortable elements, because they want their young gone. They want them gone and independent early. They expect them to soar, and not teeter below where lower species reside.
When setting your expectations do you set them high, or do you mingle around waiting for handouts? Be an Eagle in your own right. Decide early to soar, set’em high and don’t get complacent. An Eagle has Vision, its eyesight is 4 times as sharp of any human, an Eagle flies into the storm, not heading for cover like other birds. So I ask, are you an Eagle or a Pigeon? Lets set our goals early, high and soar above average.
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