I don't know what this is but the forum is panel of rappers, a professor and a two women that are speaking on the affects and influences of rap music on society in particularly our children.
Ok, got the name:
Hip Hop versus America.
And believe it or not it is an engaging conversation. I particularly like the females point when she says that she could be video director right not. Because they're all cliche. Get some well endowed African American women, rent a car, rent a house, get some jewelry and there you have it. All the videos that are airing from the last 5 years until today. I so agree, that most the songs we lean and rock to now, make no sense at all if you stop and think about the lyrics. What are they talking about, is there even a subject, verb in the entire song. And the videos are a whole other conversation. They don't relate, most are degrading and just tacky.
This is the generation of music that our children have to listen to, to be inspired by, to be entertained by. Its takes no talent at all, just a catching hook and good marketing person to put that garbage out there.
One of the subjects: Boys that have no concept of what it means to be a man. Having a set of balls does not make you a man, it makes you male.
What role models do they aspire to be, you have grown men wearing jerseys as suits, that doesnt have common manners. What are we expecting from our young men. They're lost.
What say you??
A forum for issues of career, fashion, makeup, marriage and motherhood.....whatever news comes to mind!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Divas of Daytime
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do you believe in angels, do you believe in your heart that someone you loved is really looking out for you and your well being? They cant protect from all bad, but they wont let harm really hurt you. Just enough of disappointment, sadness, scaredness so that you wont forget them, but they all ways pull you through. Life is truly like a roller coaster, its up and down swinging you around and around. We all go through the good and bad, but its truly a fact that what doesn't break you makes you stronger, or is it you either bend or you break? One or the other, I like them both so I'ma go with both. Annyyy way, back to my thoughts, the last few months have been mentally trying times for me. My sister graduated from high school, in May. Bittersweet time, because in the back of my mind, I am always thinking "If only my mother could be here". I know she was there, smiling as I was, but every occasion I always think about how much I miss her reaction to things. Her reaction to happy times, to sad times, to times of confusion,her words of wisdom, encouragement, disappointment (it cant always be good), and most of all her laugh. We would laugh so much, like old friends although she could switch back to mother in a hot minute. Miss those times. Life is too short, cherish your time, learn from your experiences, forgive and keep it moving.
Its funny how things work out. I met my husband a few months before my mother passed away. From that moment,I can truly say that I believe that he was sent to be a presence for me because I would need someone to lean on in the upcoming months. I truly believe that... So I know there are angels and they come in many forms. Be conscious of the people in your circle, I always say, people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Its funny how things work out. I met my husband a few months before my mother passed away. From that moment,I can truly say that I believe that he was sent to be a presence for me because I would need someone to lean on in the upcoming months. I truly believe that... So I know there are angels and they come in many forms. Be conscious of the people in your circle, I always say, people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
THAT Chick!!
I saw this on another blog and thought it would be a good idea. So let me give you a little background, THAT chick is "that" chick that stays fly on the regla...Bags, Shoes, Fit.... Makeup Flawless.
My first pick is ..........Drum Roll.....
Kerry Washington

Gotta love a Mocha Sister, and she's come a long way since, Save the Last Dance days.

Love Jada, sometimes she goes in left field with her fashion but for the majority of time she brings it back.
That Chick, Jenny from the Block

More to come, I've got to get back to work..
My first pick is ..........Drum Roll.....
Kerry Washington

Gotta love a Mocha Sister, and she's come a long way since, Save the Last Dance days.

Love Jada, sometimes she goes in left field with her fashion but for the majority of time she brings it back.
That Chick, Jenny from the Block

More to come, I've got to get back to work..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Battle Worth Fighting
Are you a fan of Good Morning America (GMA for short)? Its not often that I get a chance to actually watch the show but I will never forget the episode when Robin Roberts admitted that she had been diagnosed with Cancer. She was away going through treatment and returned in good spirits but also obviously donning a wig. I thought she looked great but this video has changed my mind. She looks more beautiful without the wig. Her features are so profoundly beautiful, my thoughts were, she should have worn this look from the beginning. All vanity issues aside, can you imagine the conversation with producers that took place in order for her to go on the air not wearing her wig? I commend her for taking a stand in a industry where looks are the epitome of your career. Her stance is profound, and I am glad that she choose this route. Gotta Love Robin Roberts......
Can you beleive this story, I cant even imagine the trauma this kid went through during this whole ordeal. I am not an advocate of the force that police use in most cases but this one.... Man I dont blame them at all.
Monday, June 16, 2008
June 16, 2008, California becomes the second state to legalize gay marriage
Happy Belated Father's Day to the Dads!!!

Hopefully everyone had a great Fathers Day, you felt appreciated and loved. This brings me to the subject of Fathers. How would you categorize your relationship with your Father? Its funny that I think you start to really appreciate and understand them more as people as you get older. What I mean is that the dynamics of the relationship change, they see you as adult and you see them as more of a person. Growing up, they play the role as the role model, disciplinarian,
as they should. But when you get older you see the struggles and even begin to understand what makes them happy or sad. So again, I ask , how would you categerotize your relationship with yourdad? Does someone thats not your dad, fill those shoes and act as that role model for you, we all know that anyone can be a father but it takes a special someone to be a "dad".

Saturday, June 14, 2008
R. Kelly found not guilty
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Are you guys using Office 2007, I am downloading a trial version for home since I use the application at work. Why is it indicating that its 10 hours before the download is complete, Lord I dont have the patience for this. But that dang, Excel 2007 is so cool, gotta have it.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hellejuha !
by Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate -our deepest fear is thatwe are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God.Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinkingso that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us.It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciouslygive other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Out of Synch
Its been a week, between working, going out of town and regular family life I've been quite busy busy. My sister graduated from high school this week so that took me out of town for a day or so. But today is Sunday and its back to the real world on Monday.
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