Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration 2013

Did you watch? I watched with an intense sense of pride. I, being a state employee, had the day off didn’t watch every single minute of the event but for sure watched the most important highlights of the day. These being the walk from the West Wing by  Malia and Sasha, Lady O and of course our POTUS, the official inauguration speech, Kelly Clarkson and BeyoncĂ©’s performance to name few. Throughout the day, there were references from new stations such as FOX (I don’t know why I was surprised) that the speech was more of a civil rights speech rather than an inaugural speech in comparison to those of the past. First of all, let me call your attention to the picture above.  This being the official holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, holds a significant amount of history and past events that have contributed to today being possible. Lest we not forget that not far from where Barack Hussein Obama gave this speech today is where the late great MLK gave this commiserative “I Have A Dream Speech”.
Why would this not have some effect on the words that our 44th and first African American President spoke today? Lest we forget that in the small town of Birmingham Alabama, King and marchers were sprayed with hoses, spit upon, hit with rocks all for things that the all other average Americans were afforded. How could this not have some effect on the words that flowed from his mouth? Lest we forget, that there were places that people that looked like BHO couldn’t enter through the front door, is now the leader of this very same free world.  That same military that once beat and bruised people that looked like Barack Hussein Obama now take their orders from someone of his likes.

He mentioned several areas of equality; the event mentioned above calling to action that the journey is not complete until we have true equality for all not just some.

I, for one understood to the very end and can imagine how he felt, standing there with his wife and girls. Not only are we now allowed to vote but used this power to fight for the person we believed would be the better leader of this country. I couldn’t be prouder to say, Forward 2012. 

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