Hey Guys, I have been MIA this week getting my girls ready for back to school. Hopefully everyone got their kiddos back to school without a hitch and everyone is happy go lucky. Mine hasn't started out that way, I'm still waiting. Now keep in mind this year, I have two new experiences happening this week. First of all, my little little one is going to Kindergarten. Yep, that little bundle of joy that I gave birth to 5 years ago is going to kindergarten. Wow, where does the time go. And second of all, my first born is going to Middle school. Yes, girls, my oldest daughter is in middle school. Man, I cant believe it. So we've been talking to 5 year old all summer about "going to big girl school", and thought she would just breeze through the separation part of the 1st day of school. See that picture above, that's how it went. I am not going to even post the 2nd day photo, that would embarrass and scar that child for dear life. But poor thing, you would have thought, we were throwing her to the wolves. Hey going to Elementary school is terrifying, after all, kids are tall these days. My little one was just not ready for all that commotion. Hopefully, the rest of the week will be better. I want to hear about others first day of school. Oh yeah, the 6th graders 1st day, was easy breezy. Just one mishap, we miscommunicated about whether she was riding the bus or if my husband was picking her up. So he showed up and was not happy our our little miscommunication. But he found her ( they pulled off the bus), and all is good in Bebley Land.
Gotta Love it.