Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Professor Randy Pausch Dies

If you havent followed this story or at least heard his lecture to his student The Last Lecture, you've missed a treat.In Fact it was his last lecture.. This man, was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer and he continued to live his life to the complete fullest. His only request was that if anyone went to school with his his three young kids to not disclose his condition to them. He and his wife felt that when the time was right they would tell them. They wanted them to continue about life not knowing that soon they're father would be gone. ABC News is running her interview with him again,I strongly suggest that everyone tunes in.He sends such a powerful message. Are you a Tigger or an Eyore ???Do you live life to the fullest or do you mop around and be sad about your circumstances? I advise you to watch all 4 parts to this interview and also watch the lecture itself.


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