A forum for issues of career, fashion, makeup, marriage and motherhood.....whatever news comes to mind!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Professor Randy Pausch Dies
If you havent followed this story or at least heard his lecture to his student The Last Lecture, you've missed a treat.In Fact it was his last lecture.. This man, was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer and he continued to live his life to the complete fullest. His only request was that if anyone went to school with his his three young kids to not disclose his condition to them. He and his wife felt that when the time was right they would tell them. They wanted them to continue about life not knowing that soon they're father would be gone. ABC News is running her interview with him again,I strongly suggest that everyone tunes in.He sends such a powerful message. Are you a Tigger or an Eyore ???Do you live life to the fullest or do you mop around and be sad about your circumstances? I advise you to watch all 4 parts to this interview and also watch the lecture itself.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Black in America
Now, before I begin I have a confession to make, I only got a chance to see the 1st part of this 2 part special. The one that I saw was the Focus on the Black woman. Now me being the blogger that I am, I have seen so many mixed reviews for this special. It like anything else was met with lots of criticism and very little praise. There were positive and negative comments surrounding Soledad O'Brien's attempt at giving a view to the world of life as a Black American. What were your thoughts, did the show tell us anything we didn't know? Did it cast a positive light on a society that is always being seen in a negative light? Does it represent you? Do you believe that this special cast a light or gave a face to Americans that are truly struggling and other races believe that its indeed treated equally? So many questions.Some have said that these conditions apply to all races, that it could have been easily named, "White in America", "Hispanic in America" or "Indian in America". Is it offensive that we had to categorized by race in America, while others before us have fought to be looked at as equal?
I myself have mixed reviews in regards to the project. I can see where the intentions where but the project fell a little shy of spectacular. All races have struggles, we all have our crosses to bear, but we by no means should let society dictate our success. Our people have done much more with so much less than we have today. Our circumstances are no indication of our destination, they're only speed bumps in the road.
Did it represent you, did the positive strives we made outweigh the negative.
I myself have mixed reviews in regards to the project. I can see where the intentions where but the project fell a little shy of spectacular. All races have struggles, we all have our crosses to bear, but we by no means should let society dictate our success. Our people have done much more with so much less than we have today. Our circumstances are no indication of our destination, they're only speed bumps in the road.
Did it represent you, did the positive strives we made outweigh the negative.
Monday, July 21, 2008
CNN Presents: Black in America!
Set your DVR's, grab your popcorn, I think this is going be a show you should enjoy with the entire family.A two part special airing on Wednesday and Thursday, July 23 & 24th, Soledad O'Brien explores the varied experiences of black women and families and investigates the disturbing statistics of single parenthood, racial disparities between students and the devastating toll of HIV/AIDS. O'Brien reports on the progress of black women in the workplace and the status of the black middle class.
With all the talk of If America is ready for African American president, lets a look a the state of the average African American living in America.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Cant wait!!
I predict this movie is going to be a hit.
Tyler Perry's, The Family that Preys, trailer.
Tyler Perry's, The Family that Preys, trailer.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Things on my mind!!

This has been an interesting week, lets see some of the crazy things that went on, oh yeah, Jesse Jackson made a stupid comment that he "thought" was a private one made not to be heard by others, but ranged out on the microphone in front of his face, for everyone to hear over and over. Another thing is this magazine cover.Now, I must say that I applaud Jamie Lynn and the family for taking responsibility for the action that were taking. But this magazine cover in my opinion sends the wrong message to teenage girls that followed her as the star of Zoey 101 on Nickelodeon. Not only to her fans but to young girls in general. At what point is it right for young girl who got pregnant at 16, to be on the cover of a magazine with quotes, saying that "Being a mom is the best feeling in the world"? At what point is this right? This sends the message to young girls, that having a child at 16 is great, there are no struggles and this is ethically and morally right. But we know different. Jamie Lynn's situation is different because of the position she's in, now the average 16 year old is not going to have the resources that she has, so its not going to be great, its going to be life changing and not necessarily in the best way. Dreams are altered, lives are changed because of this for so many young girls everyday, her unrealistic view obscures that fact that she is privileged to things other girls may not be. This situation always, calls for family and friends to support a young mother, but by no means should this situation be glamorized.Even reports on CNN are stating that teen pregnancy has risen for the first time in 15 years.
We are not helping this situation, with this cover and her mother should really have thought about the message. She's selling her daughter short by not making this a learning experience but rather making money from it.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Cute look of the day!
Happy Belated 4th of July
Hello, lovies, hope everyone had a lovely 4th of July. Hopefully you spent time with family, ate lots, watched some fireworks, oh that's what I did. Hopefully you guys did this as well. The 4th of July also happens to be my anniversary, and this year was my guess y'all......10th year anniversary. Yep, we were married on July 4th, 1998, cannot believe its been 10 years, wow. Seams like yesterday yet, it seems like a lifetime ago. On to another year.....
Happy Belated 4th.
Happy Belated 4th.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
College Admittance

Yep, my sister has been admitted to the University she plans to attend. I know its been a minute but I have been super busy. Getting a student enrolled in college is rough. So my sisters 2 top choices for college were, Clark-Atlanta and Prairie View A&M. She was accepted into both but decided to go to Prairie View, which I think would be very good for her. She is a music fanatic and plans to play in the band so I definitely think PVU fits the bill for that. Gotta love the HBCU's. Although Clark-Atlanta is a excellent choice as well, so I would have been happy with either one, PVU is closer and we can actually travel to see her perform at the games. Yeah.... Man, I'm getting old when my younger sister is headed to college. The last of the three to go.
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