I have been incognito lately, been suffering from a horrible tooth ache. So today I finally got in to see the dentist to either fix it or pull it. So she goes to pull in and just couldn't seem to get it numb enough so she gives me more meds. Man have you ever had that little torture tool ( drill) hit a nerve. Oh my God, it is nothing nice do you hear me. So she couldn't get the nerve numb enough to fix my tooth after that experience, I scheduled with a oral surgeon to knock me out and take the tooth out. Please I am not going to have her testing and playing around to see if she can get it numb, possibly hitting that nerve again, I'm usually pretty cool, calm and collective but man that makes you say a few choice words.
Oh yeah, the picture at the top, I see teeth like that all day on 6th street in Austin, that why I made my appointment a.s.a.p.
Mocha Mom