Schools almost out, what do you guys have planned for the summer. I for one am glad school is almost out for the kiddos. I need a break, just think a extra 15 minutes of sleep, no homework. I cannot wait. This year we're going to do the unthinkable........ send the kids to the grandparents house for three weeks.. in another state. Do people do this, I cant believe we are. A little background, my kids have never ever been away from home. Never, so this will be a first for all of us. I think its going be a good time for them to spend some time with them especially since they get to see them but once or twice a year.
As for me, I'm in two classes for the summer. Yep, taking human relations (not too bad thus far), and Business Law (killer). I'll be doing lots of reading, case briefing and what not, especially since I have no background in law at all, I need to be reading day and night.
So whats going on your way, do you have plans for the summer?
As for me, I'm in two classes for the summer. Yep, taking human relations (not too bad thus far), and Business Law (killer). I'll be doing lots of reading, case briefing and what not, especially since I have no background in law at all, I need to be reading day and night.
So whats going on your way, do you have plans for the summer?