Monday, January 19, 2009

New toy!!!!

Oh and I got a new toy, its the HP Touch Smart computer. Its a all in one (no tower), wireless desktop with touch screen. I love it.

This is my 35th B-day, Grad school gift.

Been a Minute

I know its seems like its been forever since I posted, it has huh? I've had so many things going on its crazy. Let me give a little run down, lets see, its that time of year, yep our Annual Black History program at work. So guess who is chairing the Fundraising committee this year, me. Not a joke, I am. Anyway, raising money for such a program is challenging in any work environment and State Government is no different. Most things we have to get approval for, because of all the red tape. You cant use state time, resources, etc. Things like that seem to slow down the process. Ok, enough about that one, oh and I start Graduate school tomorrow. Yep, going for the MBA at St. Eds University. I have two classes a week in the afternoons. So I already know these are going to be killer. On top of that, I have been trying to follow the Inauguration of our first African American President. There are so many things on tv, its hard to catch them all but I don't want to miss a thing so the DVR will be rolling full throttle tomorrow, since I wont be here for the good stuff. The things I have seen have been so inspirational its hard not to want to do or be something great. Because after all history has just been made,and we get to witness it.

I heard someone say on one of the programs, that children today, should pick up a book, have a vision and dare to dream. What a inspirational year we've had.

Barack our President elect, becomes President Obama tomorrow!!!!!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cops: Dad angry over child support kills son

Is this not the most pathetic thing you have ever seen?

No words,


Best High Schools

Does this concern you, especially if you have children. Do you look at your kids school stats? Test scores, academic standing? How important is this to you? Does it determine if you send your children to a particular school? At the rate we're going, this should be very important, because children are going to have to be in high academic standing to obtain scholarships. They're going to need scholarships because parents are not going to be able to afford college at the rate we're going. Cost should not be a deterrent for your child getting a good education and solidifying they're successfulness in this world. Start now, you cant waste a moment.
